Pharma & Microelectronics

Cleanrooms are special rooms where the concentration of airborne particles must be kept low. Cleanroom technology is used in particular in the production of semiconductors, optics and laser technology, life sciences, medical research and the pharmaceutical industry.

In order to be able to work "purely", the specialist personnel need appropriate cleanroom equipment. From the right choice of materials for the products to their care and preparation, appropriate know-how is required. SALESIANER offers a broad portfolio of cleanroom textiles - from coveralls to cleanroom hoods and cleanroom boots, cleanroom goggles and undergarments for employees working in cleanrooms. Additional cleanroom equipment such as microfiber cloths, mops, service carts, telescopic poles or mop holders are available either as rental or purchase products.


In addition to cleanroom products and expert advice, SALESIANER offers practical cabinet service, an "on-site service" with trained supply assistants, smart box solutions or garment vending machines. A quality management system and certified procedures and processes guarantee optimum results in cleanroom service. Integrated barcodes ensure transparent insight, the repair app and a dedicated web portal are equally available to our customers for inquiries and further information.


Your advantages at a glance

  • Procurement of cleanroom textiles
  • customized logistics and reliable supply
  • professional cleaning according to the different cleanroom classes
  • certified and documented processes
  • sterilized cleanroom garments if required

Our Pharma & Microelectronics products

overall coverall cleanroom c870dd87
cleanroomhood comfort cleanroom 3c68d77e
cleanroomboots microfibre cleanroom b905cbe5
cleanroomgown esd certification cleanroom 343f6302
undergarments cleanroom 63502f34
Cleanroom Goggles Adjustable SALESIANER
SALESIANER Reusable microfibre cloths, specially cleaned for cleanroom use
SALESIANER Mops and microfibre cloths with RFID tracking, including service carts and mop holders
ecolap mop 956a4237

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SALESIANER Cleanroom Folder for Specialized Requirements Textiles

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