Your SALESIANER career

Let's get acquainted and explore our compatibility together. Discover our application process here and learn how you can impress us.

salsianerHR Piktogramm Online Bewerbung b91059d3

1) Online application via our career portal

You can find all job opportunities in our vacancies. You are also welcome to send us an unsolicited application. Complete an application within 3 minutes? It´s possible: simply upload your CV, cover letter, references and certificates directly.

salesianer HR Piktogramm Telefonisches Erstgespraeche 9eea996c

2) Initial phone call

After carefully reviewing your application documents and if your professional qualifications are suitable to the position, we will contact you by phone. If we think it could be a match, we will invite you to an initial telephone or virtual interview. We will ask first questions about your background and expectations on the job. Concise and direct responses will make a strong impression. 

salesianer HR Piktogramm Persoenliches Kennenlernen bc60ec18

3) Get to know each other personally

If, after the initial interview, your professional and personal skills align with the position and we are a good fit for you, we will proceed together to discuss the future employment relationship. During the interview, we pay attention to your professional and personal fit. We place particular emphasis on the personal aspects. Are you someone who values performance, appreciation and diversity? Do you fit into our culture? Will you find long-term satisfaction at SALESIANER?

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4) Agreement

It's a match - finalize conditions and last questions, sign the contract and off we go! Of course, we are always available for your concerns during this phase and aim to find and consolidate the best solution for you.

salesianer erster arbeitstag 35cc21e3

5) First day of work

Thanks to our first-class onboarding, you will be ready to start working. You will get to know your workplace, your team and the location. Don't worry - HR will also be available to answer any questions you may have in the weeks following your start. We will provide you with interesting information about the company.

Current information

Download further information on the current topic to get a compact overview.

SALESIAENR Corporate Folder 2023

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Ön már Salesianer-ügyfél?*
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Milyen módon kereshetjük Önt?*
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Skontaktuj się z nami

Czy chcesz dowiedzieć się więcej o naszych usługach i cenach?

Czy jesteś już klientem Salesianer?*
Jakimi usługami jesteś zainteresowany?*

Dane kontaktowe

Nazwa firmy*
Kod pocztowy
Jak mamy się z Tobą kontaktować?*
Numer telefonu*
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