Personal laundry service

SALESIANER has been very successfully processing personal laundry throughout Austria for many decades now. This involves much more than “simply” washing the textiles. Its focus in on providing the most modern and professional care for a wide variety of linen and clothing. All with a guaranteed standard of hygiene.

A person’s clothes are a piece of their very identity. For you as a resident of a senior or nursing home, your own clothing is certainly also of great importance. Respecting this means cleaning your laundry with extra care and gentleness. A system that cares for your personal laundry individually and meets the special requirements in your establishment.

SALESIANER guarantees that the process is both smooth and simple, from delivery in a personal laundry bag and collection by one of our driver’s to the laundry being returned ready for the closet after spending about a week at one of own specialised laundries in Austria.

Clean resident laundry comes either laid in a laundry pack or hanging on a hanger (e.g. dresses or suits).

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