Photovoltaics – harnessing the power of the sun.

Since SALESIANER’s first PV systems were put into service in 2014, the amount of electricity produced by the company across Austria has since increased to nearly 4 million kWh per year. SALESIANER currently has a total of around 20,000 solar panels in operation, producing an amount of energy equivalent to the annual needs of approximately 3,000 single-person dwellings. The same number of people working at SALESIANER.The acronym typically used for such systems, kWp, stands for kilowatt peak. This indicates the peak power a PV system is capable of generating in kilowatts (kW).


SALESIANER Photovoltaic Systems Image

By generating its own green electricity, we have been able to reduce our carbon footprint by around 672 tonnes of carbon dioxide every year. This is equivalent to the amount of carbon dioxide stored by 32,000 Austrian spruce trees or, put another way, equivalent to the amount of carbon dioxide emitted by 4,000 flights from Vienna to Paris.

Our photovoltaic systems

SALESIANER Plant in Enns Upper Austria
plant SALESIANER Inzing
salesianer wien photovoltaik ea22824e
salesianer graz photovoltaik 0f227605
salesianer stpoelten photovoltaik 326a124c
salesianer wrneustadt photovoltaik 0e9d561a
salesianer groedig photovoltaik 261e8fb3
salesianer leogang photovoltaik d94eed06
salesianer klagenfurt photovoltaik cb6956a6
salesianer arnoldstein photovoltaik 7342d729
salesianer mattersburg photovoltaik 55c5d2e7
Photovoltaik SALESIANER Lodz
Photovoltaik SALESIANER Brasov
Photovoltaics SALESIANER Bukarest
Photovoltaics SALESIANER Oradea
Photovoltacs SALESIANER Bratislava
Photovoltaics SALESIANER Rogaska Slatina
Photovoltaics SALESIANER Trzin
Photovoltaics SALESIANER Budejovice
Photovoltacs SALESIANER Szombathely

Sustainability report

Download further information on the current topic to get a compact overview.

salesianer nachhaltigkeitsbericht 2023 en 7c04b0df

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