Reusable surgical textiles for more sustainability

In addition to ensuring safety and being comfortable to wear, reusable surgical textiles offer added value in terms of protecting the environment and reducing waste. They are also economically viable thanks to ecologically relevant improvements in textile management. In a study conducted by the environmental agency Denkstatt, it was found that the carbon footprint of reusable rental textiles is only half as high as that of disposable products.

The consumption of fresh water is regulated through the use of optimised washing processes, as well as being precisely defined under the Austrian Wastewater Act (Abwassergesetz).

A study by the Industrial Science Institute (Industriewissenschaftliches Institut) entitled “Economic effects of Austrian laundries as regards reusable textiles for surgical use” calculated an added value effect of 1:2 for investments in reusable surgical textiles. Every euro is doubled to the benefit of the Austrian economy.

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