Sterile reusable surgical drapes and gowns

We offer high-quality surgical drapes and surgical gowns made of microfibre and 3-layer laminate, which far exceed the requirements of EN13795, that can be used to put together customised surgical sets. The sets are put together by our medical product consultants with many years of experience in surgery-related matters together with the user and can include reusable surgical drapes, surgical gowns and inventory covers adapted to the requirements of the respective surgical procedure. The reusable surgical sets can be supplemented with disposable consumables as SmartPack by SALESIANER to help reduce set-up times and improve operating theatre utilisation.


All our reusable textiles are identifiable and traceable by means of an IT-supported barcode system, ensuring that only controlled quality and high-quality products are packed in our sets. Innovative material systems guarantee optimum safety for the surgical team and patient during all surgical procedures. Two performance levels have been introduced in EN 13795, as surgical procedures place different demands on surgical textiles. These depend on duration, mechanics and fluid accumulation. High performance: For fluid-intensive, prolonged and mechanically stressful operations, we recommend drapes and surgical gowns made of 3-layer laminates. Standard performance: For less intensive, shorter and mechanically less stressful operations, we recommend surgical gowns made of microfibre.

Medical products for surgical procedures

SALESIANER Med surgical drapes and surgical gowns in reusable design offer durable and environmentally friendly solutions for operating theatres
Reusable Surgical Gowns by SALESIANER
SALESIANER SmartPack with reusable surgical drapes, gowns, and disposable consumables in one set

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