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SALESIANER offers a comprehensive portfolio of products and services in the personal protective equipment (PPE) segment. In addition to providing certified PPE lines from the areas of hi-vis, welding protection, heat and flame protection, and multi-standard clothing, standard-compliant treatment and repair is guaranteed.
The use of modern materials ensures not only the required protective function, but also a high level of comfort. Textile safety, comfort and durability protect the employees on a sustainable basis.
Your advantages at a glance
SALESIANER’s HI-VIS collections guarantee certified safety thanks to observance of the highest quality standards when selecting materials as well as standard-compliant processing and preparation in the practical reusable system. SALESIANER high visibility clothing is certified in three colour combinations.
SALESIANER’s MULTI-RISK collections are versatile PPE clothing and protects employees against electrostatic discharge. The Multi-Risk-clothing are prepared in SALESIANER laundries in line with standards and are available both with and without fluorescent stripes.
Our certified welding attire is made of 100% cotton and extremely durable protective clothing. It prevents burns in areas where sparks fly when working. The range is rounded off with a leather apron specially designed for the needs of welding work."
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