SALESIANER successfully completes switch to AdvanTex ERP
As an Austrian family business, SALESIANER is represented in 11 European countries with its textile management solutions. Just like the thousands of employees, the ERP systems should also form a unit across locations and national borders to become a harmonised system landscape.
ERP stands for Enterprise Resource Planning and is a software system with which a company can control all processes from the areas of procurement, supply chain, warehousing, production, finance and more.
After a thorough analysis of the solutions available on the market, SALESIANER opted for the AdvanTex ERP system from the manufacturer of the same name for all 26 European locations. The AdvanTex software was developed especially for the laundry market and therefore fulfils all important requirements.
A system conversion of this magnitude is not a trivial matter and requires the best possible preparation, project coordination and teamwork, as Andreas Krümberg, Managing Director of AdvanTex Software, knows: "The cooperation with the SALESIANER project management and all project participants was always extremely professional, structured and characterised by a spirit of partnership."
In joint workshops, the existing processes were first examined and necessary additional developments were identified. Subsequently, these "gaps" could then be closed by the AdvanTex development team according to priority and in coordination with the overall project plan. "At the same time, we already started the data conversion from the existing systems, which we implemented in automated and iterative project modules," explains Nils Poll, project manager at AdvanTex. "An approach that turned out to be very efficient," says Petra Peischl, IT manager of the SALESIANER Group. "We were thus able to check the migrations directly with the respective experts from the internal specialist departments and coordinate the result with the AdvanTex team. This ensured that the data transfer was ultimately perfect when it went live."
In fact, the switch to AdvanTex went so well that essential central warehouse and procurement processes, which were originally to remain in the SAP MM module, were also transferred to AdvanTex ERP in order to better map them and achieve a much deeper process integration of the central warehouse with the associated company divisions. In 3.5 years, 23 operations were thus converted to AdvanTex, which means a rollout every 1.8 months.
"Thanks to the successful cooperation with AdvanTex, the project was implemented both on time and on budget - and this despite Corona constraints. We are glad to have AdvanTex as a supplier and partner at our side, with whom we can master future challenges and continue on our innovative path." – Thomas Krautschneider, managing partner of SALESIANER.