SALESIANER IT certified according to ISO 27001

SALESIANER gewährleistet interne und externe Datensicherheit durch Zertifizierung nach ISO 27001 .

Successfully passing the audit means that information security is guaranteed at the SALESIANER head office and all of its data processing centres. The systematic and structured approach employed protects company data and ensures its confidentiality. This ISO norm also safeguards the availability of IT systems used in company processes.

The following areas were audited:

  • The company’s strategic focus on creating an information security management System (IMSM) including the consideration of risks, opportunities, operational implementations and objectives
  • Responsible persons and their areas of responsibility
  • SALESIANER IT security in terms of physical and virtual access
  • Compliance with the information security line
  • Supplier management
  • Classified document control
  • Definition of ongoing improvements and training in the company

All in all, the certification represents both stability and security for our customers and for SALESIANER employees.

The TÜV certificate is available for download in German and English

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