Kremslehner Hotel Group relies on organic Fairtrade linen from SALESIANER

The Kremslehner Hotel Group and the SALESIANER Group have entered into a partnership to jointly set sustainable standards in the hotel industry. This cooperation emphasizes the values of sustainability and quality that both companies share.  

The decision to use certified organic Fairtrade linen is a clear sign of their commitment to shaping a better future and acting responsibly. This collaboration shows how industry leaders can work together to help realize a more sustainable future. By working with SALESIANER, the Kremslehner Hotel Group emphasizes the exceptional quality of its linen supply and its commitment to sustainability and corporate social responsibility. 

SALESIANER sees the partnership with Kremslehner Hotels as groundbreaking for the entire industry and as a clear signal to emphasize the joint efforts for a more sustainable future through the use of organic Fairtrade linen.  

You can find the entire article under the following link to the APA press release (German only): 

Kremslehner Hotel Group trusts in organic Fairtrade linen from SALESIANER 

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