SALESIANER Group Improves Position in the TOP-500 Company Ranking

The SALESIANER Group has achieved a significant improvement in its position in the current TOP-500 company ranking by Trend magazine. Compared to the previous year’s ranking, the company advanced from position 413 to position 390.

Despite the general economic challenges and a real decline in economic output by 0.8 percent in Austria in 2023, this result shows that the SALESIANER Group is on the right path.

In 2023, all TOP-500 companies together reached a revenue volume of 719 billion euros, representing an increase of nearly four percent compared to the previous year. However, this growth is below the inflation rate, which led to higher prices for products and services for most businesses. Despite this, 37 percent of the country's largest companies reported decreased revenues. Such a dimension has not been seen in recent history, with the exception of the first Corona year in 2020.

The continuous development and positive dynamics of recent years have significantly contributed to this success. This progress confirms the successful direction and strategy of the SALESIANER Group.

A big thank you goes to all the employees of the SALESIANER Group who contributed to this success. For detailed information on the ranking results, please visit the ranking results of Trend magazine.

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