SALESIANER celebrates a successful 2024 business year

An unforgettable evening that highlighted the exceptional cohesion, tireless dedication, and positive direction of the SALESIANER Group. The annual celebration provided a platform to honor the achievements of the past year while emphasizing the strong, shared vision for the future.

On January 18, 2025, the SALESIANER Group celebrated its successful business year alongside colleagues from all eleven European SALESIANER countries. The event took place at the Ariana venue in the company’s home district of Donaustadt. The evening was marked by a strong sense of unity and shared success. During the celebrations, the SALESIANER Special Awards were presented to countries and branches for outstanding achievements in the categories of Work Safety, Customer Satisfaction, and Social Responsibility.

“I am particularly pleased to see how the SALESIANER spirit thrives in all areas of the company and how we, as a family, work together toward common goals,” said Thomas Krautschneider, Managing Partner of SALESIANER. CEO Victor Ioane emphasized that the company’s success, despite economic challenges, was made possible by a clear strategic focus and the dedication of its employees.

Accompanied by culinary delights and uplifting music, the event was not only a way to express gratitude for the past year but also the kickoff for a new business year filled with exciting projects and long-term growth.

For more details, please refer to the official press release (German only).

Image material: Sabine Klimpt

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