SALESIANER – A Superbrand in Slovakia!

SALESIANER is now officially recognized as one of Slovakia’s leading brands. The Superbrands Award highlights companies known for quality, trust, and consistency. This acknowledgment reinforces SALESIANER’s strong market position and the trust customers have in the brand.

On October 16, SALESIANER was honored at the prestigious Superbrands Awards ceremony held in the historic Moyzes Hall in Bratislava, confirming its place among Slovakia’s most distinguished brands. Melania Vargha, Managing Director of SALESIANER Slovakia, proudly accepted the award during the gala dinner, representing the company on this special occasion.

Focus on Quality and Excellence

The Superbrands Award is not only a symbol of quality and excellence but also a recognition of long-standing trustworthiness and innovation. Unlike many awards, the Superbrands Award relies on an independent selection process without nominations or applications. Initially, a list of relevant brands in both the consumer and business sectors is compiled and assessed based on business data from Dun & Bradstreet. Next, the research institute INCOMIND conducts a public opinion survey to identify the brands that hold a special place with Slovak consumers. In the final stage, the independent Brand Council makes the ultimate selection of Superbrands.

Being part of the exclusive Superbrands Club confirms SALESIANER’s high quality, strong reputation, and longstanding tradition. The brand will be featured in the Superbrands Yearbook, which serves not only as a valuable reference for consumers but also as a source of inspiration for employees and partners alike. This success highlights SALESIANER’s exceptional standing in the Slovak market and underscores the company’s ongoing commitment to excellence and customer satisfaction.

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