Our fabric towel rolls: Hygienic. Environmentally friendly. Reusable.
Our video shows the entire process of how fabric towel rolls are made, right up to when they arrive at the customer.
The newly published video showcases the efficient and hygienically perfect way in which towel rolls are produced in our centre of towel roll excellence in Budapest.
Our thermo-chemically cleaned fabric towel rolls mean that not only do your hands feel fresh and clean, but they also ensure that the process of drying your hands is an environmentally-friendly one. Why? Because our established reusable rolls made from 100% cotton can be disinfected, washed and reused again up to 110 times. This cuts the amount of greenhouse gases produced by as much as 29% compared with conventional paper towels, thereby protecting our environment.
SALESIANER attaches considerable importance to technology and innovation when it comes to guaranteeing consistently high quality for our customers. An example of this is our modern system to detect stains and holes, ensuring that damaged or contaminated towel rolls are removed from circulation before they reach the customer.
Click on the following video to join us and our towel rolls on a journey through the laundry – enjoy!