New Management Structure at SALESIANER

The SALESIANER Group reaches an important milestone: With a new management structure, the company strengthens its strategic direction and lays the foundation for a successful future.

As of January 1, 2025, Thomas Krautschneider, Managing Partner of the SALESIANER Group, and Victor Ioane, CEO of the SALESIANER Group, will be supported by three C-level executives. Victor Ioane will continue to lead the entire group as CEO, focusing on expansion and strategic development. Romana Steinböck, as CCO, will oversee customer-oriented areas and enhance service quality. Johann Kandelsdorfer, as CFO, will ensure financial stability and manage the group's economic operations. Phillip-Sebastian Marchl, as COO, will focus on efficiency and the professionalization of operational processes.

These changes lay the groundwork for sustainable growth, innovation, and a stronger market position in Austria and the CEE region.

Here’s the official press release. (German only)

Image material: SALESIANER Group

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