Hooray! The first batch of organic SALESIANER honey is here.

Our bees on the grounds of the company’s head office in Vienna have been very busy indeed, producing a lot of honey. Our organic SALESIANER honey enables us to support the local beekeeping industry.

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Our beekeeper is buzzing with joy. The bees have felt right at home here and have been busy collecting nectar. We have five hives under the acacia trees at SALESIANER’s head office in Vienna, each with about 60,000 worker bees, 6,000 drones and one queen. Each bee colony collects around 100 kg of nectar every year, making some 10 million journeys in the process. 15 billion flowers are pollinated and the earth circled about 250 times.
Our first time harvesting honey was a very productive one, and the end result tastes wonderful. We will give the organic honey to our customers as presents at Christmas time. Sponsoring bees in this way is our way of supporting the local beekeeping industry, making a valuable contribution to the environment and improving biodiversity.
Other SALESIANER sites have also started sponsoring beekeeping, planting meadows for bees or building habitats for beneficial organisms. We plan to increase the number of hives at our site in Vienna next year.

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