Changing bed linens properly: hygiene tips from an expert

How often should bed linens be changed to remain hygienically clean? This question is often asked, but there is no one-size-fits-all answer. Dr. Konrad Kopecky, an expert in hygiene management at the SALESIANER Group, provides valuable insights in an interview with Antenne Steiermark, explaining how often bed linens should be changed, what to consider when washing them, and whether seasonal differences need to be taken into account.

The question of the right frequency for changing bed linens is complex and depends on various factors. Dr. Konrad Kopecky emphasizes, "Washing too frequently is generally not an issue, but changing too infrequently can be problematic from a hygiene standpoint." The expert recommends changing bed linens regularly to prevent skin irritations and allergic reactions.

Another important factor is washing temperature. For hygienic cleaning, it is advisable to wash bed linens at 60°C. At 30°C, bacteria and germs are not reliably killed, which can increase the risk of skin infections or unpleasant odors. Additionally, it is important to use a full detergent, as it contains disinfectants that ensure thorough cleaning and meet hygiene standards.

Seasonal differences also play a role. In the summer, when we sweat more, bed linens should be changed more frequently than in the colder months. Sweat left on the skin can promote bacteria and odors.

You can listen to the full interview here (German only): Audio

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