It is becoming increasingly to have efficient hand hygiene

Hygienically clean hands are a factor when it comes to ensuring safety and are especially important where many people come together: in hotels, restaurants, businesses, offices, hospitals, retirement homes, trade fairs, airports or railway stations. Bluecare touch-free soap dispenser with high-quality soap.

Hygienic hand washing with Bluecare’s touch-free soap dispenser

gesundcsm salesianer spaltenbild 720x405 waschen1 28 95d81bf266 32cab72a

Step 1

Moisten hands under running water

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gesund2csm salesianer spaltenbild 720x405 waschen1 28 95d81bf266 kopie 3857a06e

Step 2

Lather hands thoroughly with soap.

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gesund3csm salesianer spaltenbild 720x405 waschen1 28 95d81bf266 kopie 15109183

Step 3

Don’t forget to lather the back of your hand ...

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gesund4csm salesianer spaltenbild 720x405 waschen1 28 95d81bf266 c451d8bb

Step 4

… the wrists …

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gesund5csm salesianer spaltenbild 720x405 waschen1 28 95d81bf266 b1cc38aa

Step 5

… and between your fingers.

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gesund6csm salesianer spaltenbild 720x405 waschen1 28 95d81bf266 fd20fc05

Step 6

Rinse well under running water.

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Drying hands in the right way makes sure that they have been properly disinfected

trockner grau 1 e25d25c6

Step 1

Pull out the unused part of the towel roll.

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trockner grau 2 ae2cedd4

Step 2

Rub off any moisture, residual germs and soap residue.

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trockner grau 3 cbd503d5

Step 3

The used part is then automatically retracted.

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Disinfecting hands thoroughly improves personal safety

gesundschritt1 000742eb

Step 1

Place the palms of both hands together. Keep both hands moistened the whole time.

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gesundschritt2 0acdc574

Step 2

Place the palm of one the hand on the back of the other hand, interlock the fingers and rub them up and down together.

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gesundschritt3 47837f13

Step 3

Place the palms of both hands together, interlock the fingers and rub them up and down together.

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gesundschritt4 4bea4b8c

Step 4

Lock one hand in the other by bending the fingers and rub the outside of the fingers against the palm of the other hand.

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gesundschritt5 f681b42c

Step 5

Place the thumb in the other hand, close the hand around the thumb, and rub with circular movements.

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gesundschritt6 25763125

Step 6

Don’t forget to lather the back of the hand,...

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